Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bike Frame Building 101 frame alignment and welding

Here is a step by step of alignment and welding of a frame:
1. BB/ DT  weld /align                                    Abbreviations :
2. Tig Tack frame in jig                                   DT Down tube
3. Weld HT/ TT                                             TT Top tube
4. Weld ST/ BB                                             ST Seat tube
5. Align DT and ST to BB                              HT Head tube
6. Align HT/ ST                                              BB bottom bracket
7. Weld DT/ ST                                             CS Chane stays
8. Align HT/ ST                                              SS Seat stays
9. Weld TT/ ST                                        
10. Align HT/ ST
11. Weld CS
12. "Face and chase" BB
13. Align DT and ST to BB
14. Align HT/ ST
15. Align HT/ ST/ CS
16. Braze CS bridge tube
17. Align CS
18. Weld dropouts
19. Weld SS
20. Align dropouts
21. Braze SS bridge tube
22. Align dropouts

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